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Tackling the Challenges Of Race, Poverty, Health, Equity, And Diversity In Philadelphia

Hosting Organization: 
The Ending Racism Partnership
Thursday, January 21, 2021
2:00pm - 4:00pm EST
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The Ending Racism Partnership is a citywide, participatory collaboration of Philadelphia residents, leaders, and influencers from community, business, government, and philanthropy to end racial injustice and economic inequality, starting with our city. The Partnership is co-convened by Urban Affairs Coalition, Independence Blue Cross, and Rev. Dr. Mark Tyler, Pastor of Mother Bethel AME Church, supported by a Steering Committee of 20+ leaders representing government, philanthropy, arts & entertainment, and community power across the city.

The ROZ Group is facilitating community roundtable conversations with Philadelphia residents to talk about racism and equity in the areas we are calling pillars for Equity in Action: Housing, Health, Employment, Education, the Arts, Criminal Justice & Police Accountability. The outcome of this process will be an action plan for a sustained, collaborative cross-sector effort to move the needle on racism in Philadelphia and beyond. We need your input!

The first of these conversations focused on the Arts will take place on January 21st and for scheduling convenience, we are offering a choice of two times:

Thursday, January 21, 2021
2:00pm - 4:00pm OR 6:00pm - 8:00pm

How to Register/RSVP: 

The sessions will take place via Zoom, logon information to be sent out the day prior. Please RSVP to Leslie Russell Winder at indicating your time preference.