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Tackling the Next Half Century of Water Challenges

Hosting Organization: 
William Penn Foundation
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
6:30pm - 7:30pm EST
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19103
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Join William Penn Foundation at the Academy of Natural Sciences to celebrate 50 Years of the Clean Water Act — the nationwide call to protect and restore fishable, swimmable waterways from unchecked pollution. This landmark law for clean water has made an incredible impact over half a century.  

However, water resource management challenges are different today than they were in 1972. A panel of local, regional, and national environmental leaders will reflect on the Clean Water Act’s role in advancing improvements in the Delaware River, and consider the full range of tools and strategies that will be required to meet the urgent water challenges of today.


  • Mami Hara, Chief Executive Officer, US Water Alliance 
  • Adam Ortiz, U.S. EPA Region 3 Administrator (invited)
  • Saleem Chapman, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Philadelphia
  • Daniel Van Abs, Professor of Practice for Water, Society & Environment,
  • Rutgers University
  • Stuart Clarke, Watershed Protection Program Director, William Penn Foundation
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