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Targeted Universalism: Practice and Policy to Advance Equitable Systems Change

Hosting Organization: 
Social Impact Exchange
Friday, June 4, 2021
11:00am - 12:30pm EDT
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As a nation, our awareness and understanding of racial inequity has grown significantly over the past year. However, the central questions remain: what to do and how to do it well? How do we focus our efforts to transform our systems toward racial equity?

This is a unique opportunity to learn about this very exciting approach that’s gaining significant traction as a way to address systemic racism and enable all people to thrive.

About the Speaker
john a. powell, Director of the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, is an internationally recognized leader on racial equity and developer of the groundbreaking theory of Othering & Belonging, and the approach of Targeted Universalism to operationalize systems transformation toward equity. His work covers civil rights and liberties, structural racialization, racial identity, poverty, and democracy.


About this Learning Session
This Learning Session is part of Social Impact Exchange’s Learning Community, a community of foundations as well as nonprofit and government leaders who engage in structured learning opportunities related to equitable systems change, with recognition that racial equity and collaborative networks are essential to any advance large-scale impact. This includes a focus on generating population level outcomes across different fields, such as education, health, poverty, food systems, among others. Over 175 foundations, nonprofit and government leaders have participated in the Learning Community sessions. To inquire about participating in this community and SIE's systemic work, contact Jennifer Cleghorn at

About Social Impact Exchange
The Social Impact Exchange is a community of funders, advisors, wealth managers and nonprofits interested in learning about and supporting well-vetted systems change initiatives that can achieve large-scale impact. The Exchange serves as a focal point and gathering place for those interested in further building the field of equitable systems change, and a platform that facilitates the efficient flow of capital to systems change efforts. Click here to learn more about how to engage.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Space is limited.
