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Transformative Funding for a Transformative Time

Hosting Organization: 
Health & Environmental Funders Network (HFEN)
Monday, November 15, 2021 2:00pm EST
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How Funders are Rethinking Funding Processes and Strategies To Build Power, Support Movements, and Advance Racial Equity

Many funders are increasingly adopting grantmaking approaches that address problems more systemically and are in deep partnership with grantees, movements, and communities. It can be difficult work. But funders are discovering that working in these ways can solve entrenched problems.

Hear from funders who are pioneering new funding models and putting new approaches into practice.  Joining moderator Kat Gilje, Executive Director, Ceres Trust are:

  • Alison Corwin, Co-Director, Sustainable Environments, Surdna Foundation
  • Chung-Wha Hong, Executive Director, Grassroots International
  • Brenda Solorzano, CEO, Headwaters Foundation and Chair, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project


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