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Virtual Forum: The Role of Spirituality In Healing The Body, Mind and Soul In The Black Community

Hosting Organization: 
Salem Health & Wellness Foundation
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
12:00pm - 1:15pm EST
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In recognition of Black History Month, the Salem Health and Wellness Foundation is sponsoring a virtual forum with two highly regarded colleagues. On February 28th at 12 noon, we will be joined by Reverend Darrell Armstrong, Pastor of the Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton, and Reverend Awood A. Jones, Pastor Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Salem City to discuss “The Role of Spirituality In Healing The Body, Mind and Soul In The Black Community”.  

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation is committed to the improvement of health and well-being outcomes for the residents of Salem County. For 20 years, the Foundation has supported a wide array of projects and organizations that share our goals. In that time, we have come to learn that health and healing takes many forms.  We believe that for those whose lives are disproportionately impacted by poverty and race, that illness and recovery comes in many forms. The healing process must take into account a multitude of possibilities.

Over the past four hundred years in America, spirituality has been a critical bedrock of support and strength for Black people, especially as a healing factor. The faith community and its leaders have been the source of solace and affirmation, hope and comfort, safety, and stability--- essential components of holistic health. This virtual conversation will feature two highly seasoned and community-connected faith leaders to discuss this in more detail. Both men are well regarded locally and nationally for their service and effectiveness within the communities in which they preach. Though Reverends Armstrong and Jones lead religious communities within a denomination, they will approach this topic from the broad perspective of spirituality, not a particular religious orientation or belief system.  They will spend the time discussing the role of spirituality in relation to both physical and behavioral health.     

The session will begin on February 28th at 12 noon and will conclude at 1:15pm. There will be time built in for your questions and comments. The event is free and sponsored by the Foundation.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Virtual attendance is limited.   Please RSVP to