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Virtual Funders Forum: Responding to Crisis

Hosting Organization: 
AFP Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Thursday, August 20, 2020
10:00am - 11:30am EDT
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Join with fundraisers from around the region for a 90-minute interactive Virtual Funders Forum.  AFP-GPC's VP of Education and Generocity contributor, Valerie Johnson, will host this virtual event that will begin with a 40-minute panel discussion focused around how our local community foundations are responding to meet the evolving needs of their community during this time of crisis.

Panelists include:

  • Beth Harper Briglia - Chester County Community Foundation
  • Joanne Craig - The Foundation for Delaware County
  • Virginia Frantz - The Montgomery County Foundation
  • Phil Fitzgerald - The Philadelphia Foundation

Following the panel discussion, each foundation leader will facilitate a breakout session with attendees from their county.  The breakout session will be time to ask questions specific to your region and organization.


How to Register/RSVP: 

$25.00 Funders Forum Member Ticket | $50.00 Funders Forum Non-member Ticket


Please Note: Registrants will receive an emailed link to join via Zoom 1 day prior to the program.