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Webinar: Trust-Based Webinar Series: Multi-Year Unrestricted Funding

Hosting Organization: 
Trust-Bsed Philanthropy Project and Philanthroy California
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
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Philanthropy California and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project invite you to join us for a monthly webinar series for funders. Each month, we’ll explore each of the six trust-based principles that, when practiced together, help alleviate power imbalance in the sector. Each webinar will explore the nuts and bolts of putting the principles to practice, while offering opportunities for peer learning and reflection. We will also be discussing how these principles are particularly important right now, in light of COVID-19.

In the first of our seven-part series, we’ll explore Multi-Year Unrestricted Funding, which is one of the cornerstone principles of a trust-based approach. Unrestricted funding over time is essential for creating healthy, adaptive, and effective organizations. Not only does it allow nonprofits to take risks, plan ahead, and take emergent action, but it also allows funders to access a deeper level of learning and insight into nonprofits needs and challenges. This type of support is particularly important right now, as many organizations are faced with mounting challenges amidst the global pandemic.  In this webinar, we’ll hear from leaders from The Whitman Institute, the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, and the Full Cost Project, as they discuss the nuts and bolts of offering multi-year unrestricted funding, how they are responding to the questions and concerns that come up with this type of practice, and how you might consider making some changes to your portfolio right now to support nonprofits during this time of crisis.


  • Pia Infante, Co-ED, The Whitman Institute

  • Phil Li, President & CEO, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation

  • Claire Knowlton, Full Cost Project

  • Shaady Salehi, Trust-Based Philanthropy Project


How to Register/RSVP: 

This webinar is open to everyone.

Register here.