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When is Collective Impact Most Impactful

Hosting Organization: 
Collective Impact Forum
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
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What do we know about the practices that lead to positive systems and population changes in collective impact initiatives?

Join the Collective Impact Forum on Tuesday, May 15 from 3pm – 4:30pm ET for When is Collective Impact Most Impactful, a free webinar to explore actionable insights gleaned from an in-depth study of 25 collective impact sites.

Presenters will discuss what we learned about the implementation of the collective impact approach, the ways in which equity practices and capacity contribute to outcomes, and how early changes and system changes contribute to population-level impact.

Webinar Presenters

  • Terri Akey, Director, ORS Impact
  • Lauren Gase, Senior Researcher, Spark Policy Institute
  • Jennifer Splansky Juster, Executive Director, Collective Impact Forum
  • Sarah Stachowiak, CEO, ORS Impact 
How to Register/RSVP: 

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