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Women in Nonprofit Leadership Conference

Hosting Organization: 
Fels Institue of Government, Glenmede, Your Part-Time Controller, Dunleavy
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 9:00am EDT
Philadelphia, PA
National Museum of American Jewish History, 101 South Independence Mall E Philadelphia, PA 19106
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The goal of the Women in Nonprofit Leadership Conference is to bring together women leaders and aspiring women leaders of Philadelphia area nonprofits to engage in discussions about relevant issues: empowerment, fundraising, capacity building, board development, hiring, collaboration, diversity, etc. and foster meaningful relationships that last beyond the event.

As the landscape of nonprofit management continues to evolve, the need to implement efficient systems and adhere to strategic decision-making processes is more crucial than ever. This convening of women in leadership positions – and those who aspire to lead organizations – will set the table for constructive conversation and the effective creation of a network of resources, a marketplace of ideas, and exciting opportunities to connect and collaborate.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Save the date and stay tuned for more details about registration.