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Workshop: Making the Case for Trust-Based Philanthropy

Hosting Organization: 
Trust-Based Philanthropy Project
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
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As trust-based philanthropy gains recognition across the sector, more and more funders, individual donors, and grantmaking professionals are getting curious about this as an approach to alleviate power imbalances and advance community impact. And while many leaders and practitioners have an intuitive understanding of why trust-based philanthropy is the way to go, many are still grappling with how to make the case to their peers. This can be especially challenging given the range of misperceptions, critiques, and questions that come up for those who are less familiar with trust-based philanthropy.

Being able to make the case is an important skill to cultivate as you seek to inspire organizational change toward trust-based philanthropy. Whether it’s about convincing an individual donor, a board of trustees, or a grantmaking committee, helping others understand the power and potential of trust-based philanthropy is a critical step that can jumpstart the journey.

Join the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project on February 6, 2024 for an interactive 3-hour workshop where we will break down all that you want to know about making the case for trust-based philanthropy, including:

  • Talking points for getting the conversation started
  • Answers to the most frequently asked questions
  • Ways to get ahead of tricky misperceptions
  • Opportunities to leverage insights and data from nonprofits to jumpstart change
Who should attend:

The workshop will be designed to support practitioners across various roles – foundation staff and executives, philanthropy advisors/consultants, and philanthropic serving professionals – who are curious about ways to use their positionality to be a part of this greater movement of change. 

Please note that this program is designed for funders and philanthropy-serving professionals. While nonprofit staff are welcome to attend and participate, the program will not offer explicit strategies for nonprofits to make the case to current or prospective funders. Since funder-grantee relationships are embedded within deep and potentially challenging power dynamics, we believe those conversations require a different set of strategies than what we will necessarily offer in this workshop.

Participant Fee:

As this is a skill-building workshop there is a registration fee for participants in this program. The cost of registration for an individual to participate in this workshop is $300.

How to Register/RSVP: