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Bucks County Foundation Grants Boost Area Nonprofits

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The Bucks County Foundation (BCF) and its Board of Directors awarded more than $157,000 in grants to Bucks County area nonprofits in 2024. The Foundation’s latest competitive grant cycle received forty-one grant applications. The Foundation awarded funding to twelve selected nonprofits all providing a variety of charitable services impacting the arts and culture, education, environment and vulnerable populations in Bucks County.

Fall 2024 awards include a leadership gift to the Bucks County Children’s Museum to support the United Way of Bucks County HELP Truck Exhibit: Connecting Kids to Community, planned for late 2025. This collaborative project will encourage children to practice solving a community problem, reinforce the importance of helping those in need, and strengthen their sense of belonging. 

“We are humbled by the generous gift and grateful for BCF’s support. Thank you for making wonderful and positive things happen in Bucks County,” said Kelly Krumenacker, President and Executive Director of Bucks County Children’s Museum.

The Foundation’s grant application process is rigorous, with BCF staff and board members evaluating each application to determine if the organization qualifies for a grant and the appropriate amount it should receive.

Bucks County Foundation, a community foundation, is a grantmaking public charity that is dedicated to improving the lives of people in Bucks County. They bring together the financial resources of individuals, families, and businesses through funds such as donor advised funds, scholarship funds, and the Fund for Bucks County, to support effective nonprofits and the communities they serve.

A full list of the 2024 grant recipients can be found on BCF’s website at  To create a fund or support an existing fund, contact Mandy Mundy at or 215-997-8566.

About the Bucks County Foundation:

The Bucks County Foundation is a tax-exempt, public charity, that manages permanent endowment funds serving various community needs including arts and culture, education, animal causes, health and human services, and the environment. Established in 1979 to enhance the quality of life in Bucks County by encouraging permanent philanthropy, the Foundation offers donors, their families, and corporations, a simple way to leave a lasting legacy. Offering maximum tax advantages, the Foundation is permitted to accept a wide range of gifts and can assist donors with a variety of estate planning and planned giving options. The Foundation is a permanent legal entity dedicated to community betterment through philanthropy. For more information, visit

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