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The Fund for Women and Girls Bids Farewell to Current Executive Director, Announces Interim Appointee, and Looks Ahead to Diverse Executive Search

Thursday, September 16, 2021

WEST CHESTER, PA (September 16, 2021) - The Fund for Women and Girls says goodbye to its current Executive Director, Michelle Legaspi Sánchez, and announces an Interim Executive Director to assume the role on September 20, 2021.

In a letter to The Fund’s supporters, partners, and friends, Michelle expressed her deep gratitude for their support of her over the past six years, five as Executive Director:

“I am so proud of what we have accomplished together. Over the years, we have navigated difficulties within the organization while also learning to adapt, respond, and lead in the face of extraordinary challenges in our community and the world around us. It led to the deepening of The Fund’s impact in so many ways, including more opportunities for girls to grow as leaders, more community-centered grantmaking, a louder voice on issues that affect all women and girls, and a stronger organizational presence through a clearer brand and vital community partnerships.”

Mary Beth MorrisseyThe Fund’s Board of Directors has appointed Mary Beth Morrissey as Interim Executive Director. Mary Beth recently finished six years of service as a Board Member. During her involvement with The Fund, she served on the Grants Allocation Committee and as Treasurer/Chair of the Finance and Investment Committees. Aside from her dedication and experience with The Fund, Mary Beth also brings experience in the corporate world and in management, most recently as Chief Accounting Officer at Liberty Property Trust. Mary Beth’s tenure will begin on September 20, 2021, and she will work closely with The Fund’s staff and Board to ensure the organization’s work continues through the transition period.

The Board has also appointed a Search Committee comprised of current Board members, former Board members, and donors representing a variety of professional and community backgrounds, lived experiences, and volunteer responsibilities at The Fund. Overall, the Search Committee members provide diversity, and reflect, advocate and support the organization's mission. This Committee will take the lead in the executive search, with the goal of naming a new Executive Director by the end of 2021.

In the parting words of her letter, Michelle thanked Fund supporters and partners “for being a source of inspiration and support through the years. I will forever hold close the experiences and memories of working with all of you in service to the women and girls of Chester County.”

For questions about The Fund’s leadership transition, please contact Board Chair Denise Wine at


The Fund for Women and Girls: Igniting Change in Chester County leads and unites the community through philanthropy and advocacy to ensure that women and girls have resources and opportunities to thrive. Over the past 25 years, The Fund has awarded over $3.7 million to 80 local non-profit organizations serving women and girls.

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