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A look ahead to 2022

Monday, November 29, 2021

As we approach the end of another year dominated by COVID-19, we are grateful for the dedication of regional funders and community partners who continue their tireless efforts to help those most affected by the pandemic’s far reaching effects. This year we also heard the reverberating calls for racial justice and greater equity in philanthropy grow louder and more urgent with each passing day. In the spirit of the adage “never let a good crisis go to waste,” we were heartened to see funders of all types take the opportunity presented by the dueling crises of the pandemic and systemic racism to reflect deeply on their own practice and priorities, and institute meaningful changes to support our region’s recovery and make progress on their journey toward more equity-centered philanthropy. 

Each new year signals a fresh start, and 2022 promises to bring exciting changes for Philanthropy Network, including the naming of a new president and the development of a bold new strategy to amplify the impact of our work. As we plan for 2022 in the midst of transition, we remain steadfast in our commitment to growing trust, shifting power to the community and helping funders discover how they can be better stewards and partners in driving change, advancing equity and healing our communities. 

We are beginning to craft our programing for the coming year, and wanted to share some of what Network members and our partners can look forward to in 2022:

Special Events

  • Annual Members' Meeting – a chance to come together to meet fellow members, hear about new initiatives and get a first look at our strategic transformation. 
  • Launch of Trust-Based Philanthropy Cohort - developed in partnership with Philanthropy New York and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, we’re launching a trust-based philanthropy cohort with a special emphasis on racial equity. Applications will open in late 2021 and the cohort will run through mid-2022.
  • SPARX 2022 - the premier gathering for regional funders, social investors, nonprofits, and other civic leaders who want to learn, connect, and lead social change in Greater Philadelphia.

New and Ongoing Learning Opportunities

  • Communities of Practice Meetings - where members with shared interests build relationships and find opportunities for collaboration. > Email Ana Lisa Yoder to find your group so you don't miss the chance to come together and learn with your peers.
  • Issue-Based Events - including our Regional Roundtables, to address emerging practices, trending topics in philanthropy and key issues impacting the Greater Philadelphia region integrating Philanthropy Network's leadership focus on policy, equity and innovation.
  • Workshops - to advance the practice of philanthropy professionals through skills-based learning.
  • New Member Meet-Ups - *NEW - regularly-scheduled virtual gatherings for staff and trustees new to their roles to get acquainted with each other and connect with the Network’s staff. More details to be announced soon!

Additionally, we will be launching a pilot project to develop an online portal to help funders across the region better connect, share information, collaborate and ultimately improve our collective work. This two-year project called “Made to Measure,” is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It will involve Philanthropy Network working in partnership with five other philanthropy-serving organizations across the country, and design consulting firms Ideas42 and CapShift. Look for an early preview of the project at the Annual Members’ Meeting in the early spring.

While we head into 2022 knowing that uncertainty remains the only constant, we also know that the innovative and enduring work of philanthropy will be more critical than ever if we are to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Philanthropy Network will continue to be responsive and flexible in our approach to providing the learning, connections and insights that help regional funders improve their philanthropic practice and move forward on the path to greater equity and impact. As always, we welcome your ideas and thank you for your partnership.

Please reach out to us anytime with your feedback, thoughts and suggestions.

Yours in partnership,
The Philanthropy Network Team

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