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New Century Trust Adopts Trust-Based Philanthropy Approach

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Since 1882, New Century Trust has worked to build the economic and political power of women and girls throughout the Philadelphia region.

In response to overwhelming feedback from the non-profit community, New Century Trust is transitioning to a “trust-based” approach to philanthropy. By doing so, NCT has chosen to invest in long-term partnerships with organizations by providing multi-year general operating support.  Beyond funding, the Trust wants to create an avenue for open communication and mutual learning and work togetther with organizations to connect them  to opportunities and resources based on organizational needs (strategic planning, board development, fundraising, etc.). By engaging in an ongoing conversation with organizations, NCT believes they will be better able to add value to the work and reduce the unnecessary administrative burden usually associated with grant writing and reporting.

New Century Trust is currently seeking to build a small network of 4-6 organizations that are actively addressing the political and/or economic gender gap through community organizing and policy advocacy. The funding will be multi-year general operating support in the $8,000-$15,000 range depending on the number of partners. Those interested in partnering with NCT are invited to complete a short survey by June 15, 2018.

To learn more, visit New Century Trust online or contact Carey Morgan.