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New coalition to tackle Philadelphia's gun violence

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Via The Philadelphia Tribune | By

As gun violence and crime continues to plague the city of Philadelphia, businesses, nonprofits, faith-based organizations and other leading institutions have been stuck wondering what they can do to help curb the issue.

In response, the Philadelphia Foundation and the William Penn Foundation, in partnership with Urban Affairs Coalition, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, and the Philadelphia Equity Alliance, are creating the Civic Coalition to Save Lives — a coalition consisting of 70 groups representing a cross-section of community and faith-based organizations, nonprofits and the business community in an attempt to increase collaboration and implement proven strategies geared towards reducing gun violence.

“Last year there were 562 homicides in our city. The vast majority — 506 people — were lost to gun violence. We are on a similar pace this year,” said Pedro Ramos, president and CEO of the Philadelphia Foundation. “The future of Philadelphia is at stake and we are all stakeholders who have a shared responsibility to step forward and contribute to effect change.

“Government has a crucial role to play, but government can’t do it alone. This public crisis demands civic leadership and coordinated civic action.”

City officials such as Mayor Jim Kenney and Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw have expressed their appreciation for the coalition, welcoming the support in efforts to end Philadelphia’s gun violence epidemic.