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Philanthropy represented on new Philadelphia City Council Special Committee on Poverty Reduction and Prevention

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Despite a recent deduction in Philadelphia’s official poverty rate, the city continues to see the highest rate of concentrated poverty of any major U.S. city. Earlier this year, Council issued Narrowing the Gap, a report identifying strategies to alleviate poverty. Now, City Council has established a Special Committee on Poverty Reduction and Prevention to identify policy solutions to help lift 100,000 people out of poverty.

The Special Committee’s first hearing, which took place at City Hall, featured testimony from a number of experts who research poverty and who provide direct services to people living below the poverty line. Each of the Committee’s Subcommittees will hold a hearing in a different neighborhood across the City. The Subcommittees are focused on housing, jobs and education, and the social safety net. The final recommendations should be released at a final hearing before the end of the year.

Philanthropy Network's Sidney Hargro and United Way's Bill Golderer are among the members of the full committee. Serving on subcommittees are Kristin Romens, The Pew Charitable Trusts (Social Safety Net); Pedro Ramos, Philadelphia Foundation (Jobs and Education); and Andrew Frishkoff, LISC (Housing).

Read more about the Special Committee and download the report, Narrowing the Gap.