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What's New at Rebuild (November 2017)

Monday, December 4, 2017



Here is a round-up of recent news and developments with the City of Philadelphia's Rebuild initiative for November 2017:

  • November 1 - The Rebuild Oversight Board held its inaugural meeting at Kingsessing Recreation Center.  The Oversight Board, which is made up of a diverse coalition of city officials, community leaders and subject matter experts, is charged with reviewing Rebuild's progress and making recommendations on program implementation. Oversight Board meetings are open (about 100 Philadelphians attended the first meeting!) to the public and will be held quarterly. Stay tuned for details on the next meeting.
  • November 15 - Rebuild announced that 21 local nonprofits were qualified as Project Users.  Only Project Users will be eligible to apply for grants to work on Rebuild projects.  See the list of Project Users here.
  • November 30 - Rebuild released the list of the first 61 parks, recreation centers and libraries proposed to City Council for Rebuild investment.  Rebuild also released data about Philadelphia neighborhoods, including an interactive map (check it out here - you can explore sites in your neighborhood!), and a detailed Project Statement outlining operations through June 2019. 

Rebuild in the News

  • Plan Philly explores possibilities beyond sports programs at recreation centers selected for Rebuild investment.
  • Billy Penn looks at Olney Rec Center, a "gateway to keeping kids active", as part of its on-going series that highlights rec centers across the city.
  • Plan Philly discusses nonprofit investment in Rebuild (and its core principles) despite uncertainty around the soda tax.
  • The Atlantic Monthly's City Lab blog talks the challenges of urban philanthropy and the innovative ideas cities' are implementing to address them.