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First Monday Discussion: Debriefing the 2018 Elections

Hosting Organization: 
Funders' Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP)
Monday, January 7, 2019
3:00pm - 4:15pm EST
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With history-making results from the Midterm Elections, join us for an important discussion on the lessons learned from 2018 that can help inform our work moving into 2019.  After victories on a range of ballot initiative campaigns including voting rights restoration, money in politics reforms, redistricting, changes in southern state strategies, and more, what can we learn from how leaders organized those efforts? As the national and state political landscape shifted, what does the new political map look like going into 2019 and what can we expect in terms of anticipated attacks and opportunities on a range of democracy reform efforts?

Moderated by Ludovic Blain, California Donor Table Fund


  • Alicia Garza, National Domestic Workers Alliance
  • Chris Melody Fields Figueredo, Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC)
  • LaTosha Brown, Black Voters Matter Fund
  • Lisa García-Bedolla, UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies and Graduate School of Education

Co-sponsors:  Economic Opportunity Funders, Environmental Grantmakers Association, Health & Environmental Funders Network, Philanthropy New York, Women Donors Network

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