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WEBINAR: An Economy for Everyone: Bold Strategies to Build Racial and Economic Equity

Hosting Organization: 
Monday, January 14, 2019
3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
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More than 100 million people in the United States — one in every three residents, and nearly half of all people of color — are economically insecure, with a household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. The new report from PolicyLink and PERE, "100 Million and Counting: A Portrait of Economic Insecurity in the United States," states that this reflects not only the toxic polarization of wealth and income but also the persistence of racial inequities throughout the economy.

Join us on January 14 to hear from leading thinkers and advocates as they discuss bold, innovative policy ideas that can transform systems and institutions to tap into the potential of people of color and low-income communities rather than locking them out of our national prosperity, so we can all share in the benefits of a more equitable and inclusive society.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Michael McAfee, President and CEO, PolicyLink
  • Sandy Fernandez, Director, The Americas, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth 
  • Manuel Pastor, Director, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity and Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, USC 
  • Darrick Hamilton, Incoming Executive Director, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Ohio State University
  • Sarita Gupta, Co-Executive Director, Jobs With Justice and the Co-Director of Caring Across Generations 
  • Heather Boushey, Executive Director and Chief Economist, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
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