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#ChescoKnows Summit

Hosting Organization: 
Chester County Fund for Women and Girls and the Chester County Women’s Commission
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
8:00am - 11:00am EDT
Penn State Great Valley
Penn State Great Valley: School of Graduate Professional Studies | 30 Swedesford Road | Malvern, PA 19355
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Last year, at the request of Chester County Commissioners Michelle Kichline, Kathi Cozzone and Terence Farrell, the Chester County Women’s Commission (CCWC) and the Chester County Fund for Women and Girls (CCFWG) established a coalition of support to address the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace. The purpose of this coalition is to establish a program for the Chester County business community to train and educate everyone currently in, and entering the workforce on ways to eliminate sexual harassment. The first step of this process was to collect data through the survey, titled "#ChescoKnows," which allowed us to determine the current situation in Chester County in regard to workplace sexual harassment. This event will highlight all of the results of the #ChescoKnows study, which will help us and key stakeholders to start conversations, review workplace practices, share resources, and educate employers and employees on how to build workplace cultures of respect.

The #ChescoKnows Summit will feature keynote speakers, Brad Johnson and David Smith, co-authors of “Athena Rising: What Men and Women Need to Know About Working Together." Brad and David have served in and worked with the U.S. Military, the U.S. Naval Academy, organizations, companies, and universities around the globe to develop exceptionally effective mentors and powerful mentoring cultures. We’re proud to bring them and their expertise to Chester County.

A continental breakfast will be served.

For more information about the CCWC, CCFWG and the “#ChescoKnows Summit," please contact Wendy Leeper at or Michelle Legaspi Sanchez at

If you are interested in registering as a partner and wish to pay by check, please contact Wendy Leeper at Checks can be made to Chester County Women’s Commission.

How to Register/RSVP: