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Morning Workshops & Roundtable Chat Sessions

Workshop Track #1: Innovation
Dynamic Data: Using Data to Inform Funding & Program Decisions -- Columbus Ballroom A
Funders and nonprofits are increasingly utilizing data to help inform their decision-making and develop solutions to pressing community needs. Workshop participants will learn from data-informed organizations about how they are using data to build in-depth community profiles to guide funding and program planning.

Samuel Fischer, Data and Evaluation Manager, Read by 4th 
David Gould, Deputy Director of Community Engagement and Communications, Rebuild Philadelphia (Rebuilding Community Infrastructure)

Workshop Facilitator: Aminata Diallo, Manager of Learning and Community Impact, The Scattergood Foundation
RESOURCE: Data Philanthropy: Unlocking the Power of Private Data for Public Good, Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy, Urban Institute 

Workshop Track #2: Equity
Advancing Organizational Equity with Philanthropy Network’s Equity Cohort 
-- Columbus Ballroom B
This interactive workshop will be led by members of the Equity in Philanthropy Cohort, who will share their organizational equity journeys, including how they are integrating equity in practice and community. Their practical examples of creating equitable environments will fuel small group exercises where participants will identify challenges to the advancement of equity and brainstorm potential, viable solutions. Sponsored by Wells Fargo 

Jason Alexander, Board Chair, Brandywine Health Foundation
Vanessa Briggs, President and CEO, Brandywine Health Foundation
Sarah Martinez-Helfman, President, Samuel S. Fels Fund
Joe Pyle, President, The Scattergood Foundation
Workshop Moderator: Daria Torres, Managing Partner, Walls Torres Group

Workshop Track #3: Policy
Getting to the Root Causes: How Public Policy Affects the Programs & Issues You Fund 
-- Columbus Ballroom C
Public policy directly impacts a wide range of program issue areas for communities throughout the region, including healthcare, education, housing and food security. This session will outline key policy issues in the Greater Philadelphia area; share resources for learning more about these identified issues; and explore advocacy’s role in moving the policy needle to maximize program impact. Utilizing an interactive exercise, workshop participants will reflect on the root causes and critical policies that impact their issue areas.

Kathy Fisher, Policy Director, Coalition Against Hunger
Maud Lyon, President, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Calvin Okunoye, High Road Coordinator, ROC (Restaurant Opportunities Center) PA
Tomea Sippio-Smith, K12 Policy Director and Neli Sepulveda, Early Childhood Education Policy Director, Public Citizens for Children and Youth
Workshop Facilitator: Edurne Irizarry, Program Officer, Philadelphia Foundation


Roundtable Chats sponsored by:
Date & Time: 
Thursday, October 31, 2019
10:40am - 11:40am EDT