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William Penn Foundation Announces $3 Million for PHL COVID-19 Fund

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Special Announcement from the William Penn Foundation


This is an unprecedented moment, rife with uncertainties and challenges that are potentially defining for organizations, large and small. We will be defined as a community, city, region, and nation by how we come together to help one another.

At the William Penn Foundation, we have been in active conversations over the course of the last week with many of you, the City of Philadelphia, and other funders to understand and begin to address the most urgent needs of the city and region. The need is vast, and the full implications of the Coronavirus are unknown, but help is needed now.

That is why yesterday the William Penn Foundation’s board of directors took emergency action and approved a lead grant of $3 million to support the PHL COVID-19 Fund. As of the Mayor’s press conference this afternoon, this new resource has more than $6 million in commitments from local government, business and philanthropy. We are grateful to United Way, the Philadelphia Foundation, and the City of Philadelphia for their swift and decisive collaboration to act. Now we need more funding partners and individuals to join us. As was announced by Mayor Kenney today, donations to the fund can be made at

This fund will provide grants rapidly to Greater Philadelphia organizations with a successful track record of serving at-risk populations – including elderly, disabled, homeless and economically disadvantaged persons – to enhance community safety nets and foster preparedness and protection.

Beyond the PHL COVID-19 Fund, we are formulating plans for additional avenues to support grantees and the greater non-profit community. We encourage you to continue sharing information with your program officers about the organizational or project challenges you are experiencing.

We greatly value our relationship with you and the work that you do to lift up our city and our region – our home. We know that coming together to find solutions and strengthen resources is vital. You have our commitment that we will act as swiftly as possible, and keep you informed along the way.

Signature of Janet Haas
Chair of the Board
Signature of Shawn McCaney
Executive Director
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