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Second Round of MontCoPA COVID-19 Response Fund Grants Awarded, Bringing Total to $212,000

Friday, April 17, 2020

The second round of MontCoPA COVID-19 Response Fund grants have been awarded, bringing the total amount of grant funds awarded to $212,000. A total of 63 nonprofit organizations have received grant awards through the MontCoPA COVID-19 Response Fund since its opening on March 26, 2020.

Grant funds were distributed to a variety of nonprofit organizations serving every area of the county. Grantees included food pantries, senior care programs, rent and utility payment programs for low-income residents, behavioral healthcare and telehealth services, ambulance services, childcare for healthcare workers, domestic violence services, protective personal equipment purchase for nonprofits continuing essential in-person services, public benefits navigator support, and emergency shelters among others. General operating support grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 were awarded.

The Fund is a community-wide effort to support the immediate needs of residents hardest hit by the pandemic.  The MontcoPA COVID-19 Response Fund allows residents, businesses, and philanthropies to donate money towards COVID-19 relief efforts.

As of April 14, close to $300,000 has been raised for the Fund. Still, more funds are urgently needed to support the efforts of first responders and social safety net providers. Grant applications continue to be awarded on a rolling basis as funds are available.

For more information on the Fund, please visit

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