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The New Frontier: A Dialogue on the Future of Philanthropy in Philadelphia

Hosting Organization: 
PANO, The Regional Foundation Center and Villanova’s Department of Public Administration
Thursday, September 10, 2020
9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
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While COVID has kept us physically apart for months on end, these last few months have also proven just how intricately connected we all are. This is especially true of the nonprofits working tirelessly to keep up with changing community needs, and the funders working tirelessly to support those vital missions.

Nonprofits and funders alike have had to get creative, try new things, take risks, and lean in to uncomfortable conversations about racial justice in our organizations, our sector, and our nation. As we all continue to adapt to ever-evolving circumstances, in an increasingly virtual environment, it’s becoming even more important than ever to find ways to maintain open lines of communication – both internally at our own organizations and externally with each other.

PANORFC, and Villanova’s Department of Public Administration are excited to co-host this opportunity for nonprofits and funders to do just that – come together (from the safety of our computers!) to exchange information, learn from each other, discuss funding goals and ideas, and simply connect.

  • How is philanthropy changing through COVID and beyond?
  • What can – and should – we be doing to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across all sectors?
  • How can the City of Philadelphia work with nonprofits and funders to create our shared future in a more just and equitable way?
  • How can nonprofits and funders work together to best support each other and, in turn, our communities?

CLICK HERE to view the full agenda.

How to Register/RSVP: