Hosting Organization:
Justice Funders
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
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After launching the Just Transition Investment Framework earlier this year, Justice Funders invite philanthropic partners to join them and their peers in an activation workshop that will strategize ways to bring Just Transition investment practices to your foundation.
This is an intimate and interactive entry level workshop. Participants do not need to know much about Just Transition, but should be open to learning more about how philanthropy can shift capital and power. Each participant will have the opportunity to workshop their particular context and needs with a handful of peers and JF staff.
All participants who did not attend the framework launch at State of the Movement 2023 are asked to watch the recording prior to attending the workshop.
The registration fee is $250 for participants who have institutional support and $150 for participants who do not. The session will be using auto-generated closed captioning in English.
Please contact communications@justicefunders.org if cost is a barrier or if there are other interpretation or accessibility requests to support your full participation in the workshop. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
How to Register/RSVP: