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The power and challenges of the Black-led nonprofit

Hosting Organization: 
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
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Black-led and Black-benefiting organizations serve as essential first responders to community crises. These are often hyper-local, grassroots organizations with deep connections to the communities they serve. Despite operating with limited resources, Black-led organizations leverage local influence and the founder’s dedication to fuel social change and advocacy, achieving remarkable results.  

These groups are a microcosm of the larger community of Black-led, Black-serving nonprofits in the United States. Their experiences and their stories offer clear calls to action for funders who are interested in racial justice.   

The recent reportGrassroots, Black & Giving, by the Young Black & Giving Back Institute underscores what is widely known in the nonprofit sector: Black-led and Black-benefiting nonprofits face difficulties in accessing diverse and sustainable funding, and capacity-building support in crucial areas like coaching, financial management, and fundraising.  

In this webinar, nonprofits will gain practical tools and strategies to articulate your funding needs, and funders will develop insights for building trust and deploying sustainable resources to help Black-led and black-serving nonprofits thrive.

Featured speaker:
Ebonie Johnson Cooper, Founding Executive Director, The Young, Black & Giving Back Institute

How to Register/RSVP: