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National Philanthropic Trust Donor-recommended Grants to Charities Increase 18% to $5.49 Billion in Fiscal Year 2024

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

JENKINTOWN, Pa.--()--National Philanthropic Trust (NPT), the largest national, independent public charity that manages donor-advised funds (DAFs), granted $5.49 billion to qualified charitable organizations in the U.S. and 57 other countries on behalf of its donors in Fiscal Year 2024 (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). NPT donors recommended more than 129,000 grants from their DAFs to over 41,000 charitable organizations in the latest completed fiscal year, representing an increase of 21% and 13% respectively.

Fiscal Year 2019 to Fiscal Year 2024, the total value of NPT grants to charitable organizations grew 297% from $1.39 billion to $5.49 billion, the number of grants grew 149% from 51,968 to 129,560, and the number of charities receiving grants grew 101% from 20,470 to 41,217.

“Inflation and higher interest rates continued to play a role in all sectors of the U.S. economy, including the nonprofit sector, in Fiscal Year 2024,” said Holly Welch Stubbing, CEO of National Philanthropic Trust. “NPT DAF donors responded to the growing needs of charitable organizations by increasing their generosity. Unrestricted grants grew to account for almost half of all NPT grantmaking, enabling charitable organizations to use grants where they are needed most. As well, NPT DAF donors remained reliable philanthropists at home and abroad, with the value of international grantmaking growing 22%.”

Welch Stubbing continued, “The fiscal year NPT data reaffirms the importance of DAF philanthropy. Charitable organizations are relying on DAFs more than ever to support their respective missions.”

NPT Fiscal Year 2024
  • $5.49 billion in donor-recommended grants, representing an 18% increase compared to Fiscal Year 2023 and a 297% increase compared to five-year benchmark Fiscal Year 2019.
  • 129,560 grants to every state and the District of Columbia and 57 other countries, representing a 21% increase from Fiscal Year 2023 and a 149% increase from Fiscal Year 2019.
  • 41,217 charitable organizations received donor-recommended grants, representing a 13% increase from Fiscal Year 2023 and a 101% increase from Fiscal Year 2019.

“Unrestricted grantmaking is critical to the operations of our foundation and DAF donors come through consistently with unrestricted grants,” said Amy Bielicki of Kalmar Nyckel Foundation, based in Wilmington, DE. “DAF donors are a tremendous support for us to be able to fulfill our educational mission. We are very grateful for the DAF donor partnership, and we value their support. Without their support, we wouldn’t be able to help as many people as we do.”

Allison Katula of Good Friend Inc., based in Brookfield, WI, agreed, “Donors who use DAFs are so important to our future because they have shown us by their actions, over and over again, that they are reliable and committed to our cause. DAF donors are dedicated to engaging with our organization. Our DAF donors are also extremely intentional with their grantmaking, which means so much to us.”

NPT affiliates, NPT UK and NPT Transatlantic, saw increases in both value and volume of grantmaking in Fiscal Year 2024.

About National Philanthropic Trust

Founded in 1996, National Philanthropic Trust (NPT) is the largest national, independent public charity that manages donor-advised funds and one of the leading grantmaking institutions in the U.S. Since its founding, NPT has made more than 778,000 grants exceeding $31.2 billion to nonprofits around the world while it raised more than $64.6 billion in charitable funding. NPT annually publishes the Donor-Advised Fund Report, the sector’s authority on the state of DAF philanthropy. Visit NPT’s resource library to learn what you can do with a DAF and about NPT’s impact investing options. More at and

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