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Restorative Justice for Youth: Examining the Philadelphia Context

Hosting Organization: 
Stoneleigh Foundation
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
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Join Stoneleigh and the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth for part two oftheir fall webinar series on restorative justice for youth. Restorative justice diversion is a way to address harm in criminal justice cases, and it has increasingly been used in situations involving young people. The model fosters healing among the person who caused harm, the person who experienced harm, and the broader community. During this event, the panelists will examine the ways in which this practice is being considered, implemented, and championed in Philadelphia.

  • Jody Dodd | Restorative Justice Facilitator, Philadelphia District Attorney's Office
  • Janelle Harvey | Healing Futures Restorative Justice Participant
  • Hanae Mason | Stoneleigh Emerging Leader Fellow, Youth Art &​ Self-empowerment Project
  • Queen-Cheyenne Wade | Healing Futures Program Manager, Youth Art &​ Self-empowerment Project
  • Daniel White | Healing Futures Restorative Justice Participant
  • Ghani Songster | Transformative Healing & Restorative Justice Manager, Campaign for Fair Sentencing of Youth (moderator)
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