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Exploring Possibilities of Investing Now for Prosperous, Sustainable Neighborhoods

Hosting Organization: 
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Thursday, October 10, 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
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There are historic and systemic factors that have led—and still contribute—to climate vulnerability in lower-income communities. But there are practical solutions for clean energy, resilience, and equity. 

In 2024, The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in collaboration with Enterprise Community Partners and Local Initiatives Support Collaboration (LISC), published a volume of essays about the intersection of community development and climate resilience. 

Join New York Fed Staff and community leaders for a discussion about solutions to address urgent climate and community needs that affect vulnerable and lower-wealth communities of color.   

Related materials

The Federal Reserve's Connecting Communities webinar series provides timely information on community and economic development issues. For past events and more information about the series, visit Fed Communities.

How to Register/RSVP: 

Participation is free for this Connecting Communities webinar, but pre-registration is required.
