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Chester County Fund for Women and Girls Hosts Inaugural Champions of Change Breakfast

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

CCFWG’s Inaugural Champions of Change Breakfast Leaves Chester County
Business Community Inspired to Elevate Women in the Workplace

The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls (CCFWG) hosted its first annual Champions of Change Breakfast on Thursday, March 1, 2018 at The Farmhouse Bistro at People’s Light in Malvern, PA.

The event honored Patricia B. Miller and Fox Rothschild LLP for their breakthroughs in shattering the glass ceiling: "This morning, we are recognizing those who hold their sledgehammers high and are not afraid to swing away. Every effort and act – from mentoring a young female professional to hiring a woman in an executive position – creates a crack that brings us closer to making it rain glass," said Cate Sennett, CCFWG Board Member and Partner at Jackson Cross.

Stephanie Nolan Deviney, a partner at Fox Rothschild LLP, accepted the Corporate Champion of Change Award on behalf of the firm’s Exton office. She spoke about the importance of company culture in setting the tone for future success and achievement of female attorneys.

“Fox Rothschild realizes that women are an important part of its business. To recruit and retain highly talented women, companies need to care about women in the workplace and implement policies and procedures to address issues of importance to women. Companies cannot simply have policies – they must also review those policies, make sure women are taking advantage of them and ensure they are not treated differently for doing so,” said Stephanie Nolan Deviney.


LEFT: Honoree Patricia B. Miller (center) poses with CCFWG Board Member and Breakfast Chair Cate Sennett (left) and Kelly O’Leary (right) of event sponsor CHUBB. 
RIGHT: Fox Rothschild partner Stephanie Nolan Deviney (center) poses with fellow Fox attorneys and PA State Representatives Becky Corbin (third from left) and Carolyn Comitta (third from right).

As a further testament to its commitment to female employees, Fox Rothschild encourages women to become equity partners and hold leadership roles. As a whole, 43% of its chief officers are women; female partners co-chair three out of nine legal departments; and two female partners co-chair the firm's partnership advancement committee. Fox also participates in the OnRamp Fellowship, which matches firms to women returning to the practice of law after being away from practice for at least three years.  

Patricia B. Miller, President of Nobel Learning Communities, accepted the Gladys Black Woman of Distinction Award for her longstanding dedication to the advancement of women in professional and leadership roles. Patty shared childhood memories with the audience, harkening back to her courage and belief at a young age that girls could do anything. That solid foundation inspired her to continue to achieve throughout her career, while remembering to mentor and elevate fellow women along the way.

She recognized the women who came before her – like CCFWG’s late friend, business leader and committed Board member Gladys Black for whom the award is named – and the young women who will come after her – as the inspiration for why she has spent decades advocating for women. Miller stated, “I do what I do so that young women don’t have to go through what many women my age went through years ago. I am proud to mentor and support the incredible rising women leaders I work with every day.”

Michelle Legaspi Sánchez, CCFWG Executive Director, highlighted statistics from CCFWG’s 2016 Blueprint Report, a comprehensive research study completed by West Chester University about the status of women and girls in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and the United States.  The report notes that in Chester County, the gender wage gap is 73% – women make 73 cents to every dollar a man makes. "As women are a growing economic force, our economic impact would be greater if earnings were more equitable – it would benefit the whole community," said Sánchez. "CCFWG is raising these issues, but we are also raising up Patricia Miller and Fox Rothschild as leaders who are responding. We applaud their efforts as Champions of Change who are bold, intentional and serious about advancing women and gender equity. Because of their leadership, Chester County women have more opportunities to move forward."

The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls leads and unites the community through philanthropy and advocacy to ensure that women and girls have resources and opportunities to thrive. For 20 years, CCFWG has raised awareness about the critical needs of women and girls, and has awarded almost $3 million to 70 local non-profit organizations. To learn more about the Chester County Fund for Women and Girls, visit

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