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Professional Service Provider Membership Application

Simply fill out our online application or, if you prefer, download a PDF form and email/mail it to us with your dues payment.

Depending on the type of entity you represent, we may request additional documentation—such as your IRS determination letter or list of recent grants—in order to process your membership.

If you have questions or need help completing your application, please contact us at

Please indicate the type of services/area of expertise you and/or your organization provides to the philanthropic sector (e.g., foundations, trusts, donor advised fund holders, individual investors).
Annual membership fees range from $500 to $2,000, depending on the size of the professional service provider and the number of individuals who will be covered by the membership. Membership also includes guest privileges at Philanthropy Network events for selected clients.
Please explain how your work connects with philanthropy. Describe the nature of the services you provide to your clients engaged in philanthropy. What are your areas of expertise? Please be as specific as possible.
How many philanthropy-related (i.e., donor) clients do you currently represent in the Greater Philadelphia region? What types of clients are they? If you are able, please provide the names of several sample clients.
Please share your interest(s) in joining Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia. In what ways can Philanthropy Network be a benefit to your organization's work (e.g., information resource for clients, learning new skills, connecting with peers, etc.)? What can you contribute as a member of our network?
Please indicate issue areas of interest for your client engaged in Philanthropy.
List names, titles and email addresses for other individuals from your organization that will participate in and receive information about Philanthropy Network activities.