The Foundation for Delaware County announces retirement of president Frances M. Sheehan
The Foundation announced Sheehan will retire in the fall of this year after eight years of transformational leadership.
The Foundation announced Sheehan will retire in the fall of this year after eight years of transformational leadership.
In response to profound changes in recent years, area funders sought a conversation with nonprofit leaders about how best to support them in evolving their practices and strengthening their organizations.
The Foundation for Delaware County's COVID-19 Response Fund is helping to provide immediate food aid and other services for county residents hit hard by the coronavirus panedmic.
In two rounds of grants from the Delaware County COVID-19 Response Fund, the Foundation for Delaware County has distributed $148,955 in emergency funding to 24 local nonprofits.
The first wave of grants totaling $73,655 was distributed to Delaware County nonprofits on the front lines supporting vulnerable residents who are bearing the greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Foundation for Delaware County announced $1,055,488 in grant awards to 52 area nonprofits and the launch of the Delaware County COVID-19 Response Fund.
In the first of three rounds of grantmaking to encourage enrollment in the 2020 Census, The Foundation for Delaware County announced $30,300 in awards through six grants to area nonprofits.
In its first major round of grantmaking, The Foundation for Delaware County announced $1,165,000 in awards through 46 grants to 42 area non-profits.
Crozer-Keystone Community Foundation is changing its name to the Foundation for Delaware County and expanding its mission.
Dr. L. Joy Gates Black, president of Delaware County Community College, was named to the Board of the Crozer-Keystone Community Foundation.
Plan to join your fellow Delaware County funders for a breakfast gathering with Philanthropy Network’s new President Christine Robinson as part of her regional Listening Tour.