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Strategic Direction

In 2013 Philanthropy Network launched Sparking Solutions, a strategy that promoted a simple yet powerful idea: Funders must work together and across sectors to address the critical challenges facing our region.

As Sparking Solutions’ ethos of collaboration took hold among our members, a desire to advance its approach to the next level emerged. Our 2016-17 strategic visioning effort revealed that members want Philanthropy Network to take an even bolder leadership role in tackling the region’s complex issues and forging partnerships beyond philanthropy that can drive real change.

We recognize that to elevate Greater Philadelphia to the peak of its potential requires the input of all the region’s stakeholders, the contributions of all of its champions, the mobilization of assets. It also demands the voice and courage of regional philanthropic leadership—leadership that is agile, open, and aware – that Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia and its members are uniquely positioned to provide.

To achieve our vision of a more prosperous and equitable future for Greater Philadelphia, Philanthropy Network will:

Embrace a Strong Leadership Voice
Engage in thought leadership that not only addresses funders, but civic leaders, nonprofits, government, and others to challenge the region forward toward sustainable change.

Elevate the Role of Philanthropy
Position and elevate philanthropy’s role in cross-sector leadership to influence the design, implementation, and scaling of promising regional initiatives.

Rethink Regional Philanthropy
Work with members to incubate bold new ideas and approaches to social impact that reflect the true breadth and dynamism of the charitable giving sector to strengthen our region.

Grow a Culture of Inclusion
Advance a culture of inclusion that informs our work and empowers our members to dismantle systemic injustice.

Present High-Quality Learning & Engagement Opportunities
Deliver relevant, high-quality learning and engagement opportunities that inform and empower more effective grantmaking.

Advance Capacity for Data Informed Decisions
Build the regional philanthropic sector’s capacity to embrace efficient, data-driven decision-making.

In today’s unpredictable landscape, Greater Philadelphia needs a strong philanthropic sector more than ever. Philanthropy Network stands at a crossroads, poised to redefine our role in the region as we embrace a new vision.

We invite you to join us.


Special thanks to Connelly Foundation, HealthSpark Foundation and William Penn Foundation for their support of the planning process.