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2017 National Forum on Family Philanthropy

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 to Friday, October 20, 2017
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Washington, District of Columbia

The National Forum on Family Philanthropy is specifically designed for giving families. The event highlights new trends in family giving and features both new voices and recognized experts in family philanthropy.

Registration is open to individual donors and family members, trustees of family foundations, family offices, and family businesses. Also welcome are leadership staff of organizations and networks supporting giving families, including regional associations of grantmakers, community foundations, affinity groups, private foundations, academic institutions, and others. Consultants, philanthropic advisors and representatives of Banks, Financial Institutions and all other For-Profit entities are ONLY eligible to attend through Sponsorship.

Questions about eligibility? If you are unsure whether you are eligible to attend the National Forum, please call 202.293.3424 or email for assistance. Please note: if you register and are not eligible to attend, a $150 fee will be deducted from your refund to cover processing costs.

To create an environment for safe, candid discussions and peer-to-peer networking and conversation, registration will be capped at 350 registrants.

Please click here to register. 

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