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29th Annual Members' Meeting & Reception

Thursday, March 30, 2017
3:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
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Philadelphia, PA
Quorum at the University City Science Center 3711 Market Street Suite 800 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

JOIN US for Philanthropy Network's 29th Annual Members’ Meeting & Reception as we gather to celebrate the strength and diversity of our network, share updates about what’s new and notable in philanthropy in our region, and explore ways we can connect and engage in the year ahead.









29th Annual Members'
Meeting & Reception

Thursday, March 30, 2017
3:00 to 6:00 PM
Quorum at the University City Science Center
3711 Market Street, Philadelphia PA 19104

In these times of change and challenge, it’s more important than ever for our community of funders to join together to show support for the common purpose and values that unite us.


for Philanthropy Network's 29th Annual Members’ Meeting & Reception as we gather to celebrate the strength and diversity of our network, share updates about what’s new and notable in philanthropy in our region, and explore ways we can connect and engage in the year ahead.


This year's event will feature a homegrown conversation with your colleagues Mailee Walker, Claneil Foundation, Pedro Ramos, The Philadelphia Foundation and Kevin Dow, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, who will share highlights from their new strategic plans. Following a brief presentation, we'll engage in a group dialogue about how the shifting landscape might influence our approaches moving forward and opportunities to work together and in partnership with other stakeholders.

Kevin Dow

Pedro Ramos

Mailee Walker

As always, we'll take a few moments on our agenda to elect Network leadership, welcome our newest member partners and conclude with a lively reception where you can mix and mingle with your friends and colleagues and continue the conversations started during the group discussion.


We hope you'll join us on the afternoon of March 30th for this special opportunity to gather with your fellow members to celebrate the strength and diversity of our network! 

Staff, Trustees & Board Members
of all member organizations are
welcome and encouraged to attend!

Tickets are $55.


Thanks to our Sponsors










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Smarter Giving. Greater Good.
230 South Broad Street, Suite 402, Philadelphia PA 19102
215-790-9700 |