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Education Funders COVID-19 Meeting

Thursday, June 11, 2020
2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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Video Conference
Dial-in information will be sent on the morning of the call

Philanthropy Network’s Education Funders invites you to join us on June 11, 2:00 – 3:00PM for a discussion on the education-related inequalities that youth are facing due to COVID-19. We are already witnessing how the pandemic is increasing social inequalities, particularly for people of color and lower-income communities. As education funders, we want to explore some of these inequalities and discuss ways to address these issues. This discussion will focus on two major current concerns in education: the digital divide and mental health in K-12 students. We will have updates from experts in the field, and open up discussion for ways we can collectively resolve some of these inequalities.