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Education Funders Roundtable: School Funding

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
8:30am - 10:30am EDT
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Philadelphia, PA
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia 230 South Broad Street, Suite 402 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

During this session we will be joined by Donna Cooper, Executive Director, Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY), who will explain how public education funding is raised and distributed in Pennsylvania and will describe a campaign to move us toward a more equitable and adequate system.  We will also be joined by Uri Monson, Chief Financial Officer, The School District of Philadelphia, who will help us to understand how budgeting decisions are made in our local schools and the fiscal outlook for public schools in Philadelphia.  Attendees will come away from this session with an understanding of how public schools are funded, how decisions are made, how those decisions impact students’ experiences, and how advocates are seeking to improve school funding in Pennsylvania.  At the end of the session, Donna Frisby-Greenwood, President and CEO of the Fund for the School District of Philadelphia, will provide a preview of the new Support Our Schools internet-based platform to help donors target their funding in ways that match school needs with donor priorities.

Breakfast will be provided.