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Family Philanthropy Stories- Capture the Legacy of your Giving with NCFP and The History Project

Thursday, January 12, 2017
12:00pm - 1:30pm EST
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Why, in 2017, are we still relying on grandma’s photo albums and poorly scanned Facebook uploads to preserve our family histories? Legacy preservation is deeply important whether you are preparing for succession or seeking to keep donor intent alive. So, how can you bring your family’s history up to date in the New Year? In this webinar, NCFP teams up with The History Project  to share new tools and technology for creating a dynamic and engaging family story. Join us as we reveal our new History of Family Philanthropy timeline as well as NCFP’s own history timeline in preparation for our 20th anniversary celebration.

Please click here to register. Philanthropy Network's Family Foundation Members are encouraged to register for this session. Your FP Online username and password is required to register for this event. Contact Theresa Jackson at if you need assistance.