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Food Funders & Stakeholders Meeting #2 - Reality Bites: Hunger on the Rise in Philadelphia and What We Can Do About It

Thursday, February 13, 2020
1:30pm - 4:30pm EST
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Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
2100 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Over the last six years, hunger and food insecurity in Philadelphia has risen 22 percent in contrast to a decrease across the region and the nation. - Philadelphia Hunger Report 2018, Hunger Free America, November 2018

Philanthropy Network's Food Funders Affinity Group is dismayed by this statistic and in response is sponsoring a series of meetings with food funders, anti-hunger/food security direct service providers and other stakeholders to discuss what we can collectively do to reverse this trend.

The first meeting was on November 13, 2019 and focused on reviewing the data on food insecurity and poverty, consider the root and contributing factors, review current funding strategies, and identify gaps. The goal of this second meeting is to better understand how all this program funding is connected and identify potential opportunities for funder collaboration.

Please note that the target audience for these meetings has been expanded to include funders that fund health, human services, housing, economic development, workforce development, education and other program areas that impact hunger and food insecurity.

Click HERE to view resources and articles from both meetings.

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