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Gun Violence Prevention Matters for ALL of Us! Working Together to Achieve Better Outcomes

Monday, January 23, 2023
3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
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Video Conference

Please join us on Monday, January 23rd, from 3:00 - 4:30 PM to hear from the initiators and leaders of the Civic Coalition to Save Lives, a broad civic effort to drive the adoption of evidence-based and sustainable gun violence prevention strategies that have proven to be successful in other cities.

Gun violence is at epidemic proportions in the US, from school shootings to domestic violence, neighborhood violence, and child abductions. Guns are readily available to many, and gun violence's consequences are bone-chilling.

During this interactive session, presenters will provide us with background on various gun violence prevention models and how they are being implemented in different regions across the country; the state of gun violence in Philadelphia and interventions that are currently underway to address the crisis; and how this new coalition will provide an opportunity to reduce gun deaths through increased collaboration and implementation of community-based, proven intervention strategies.

This session will formally launch a Gun Violence Prevention initiative with a series of programs as an integral part of the work of Philanthropy Network over the coming year. We look forward to working with regional partners on this collective effort to reduce gun violence in all communities and build collective well-being. We hope this collaboration will result in a deeper understanding and access to data, tools, and resources.

Please join us!

Registration is open to Philanthropy Network members and non-members funders.


  • Estelle Richman, Executive Director, Civic Coalition to Save Lives
  • Shawn McCaney, Executive Director, William Penn Foundation
  • Ted Qualli, Director of Communications and Marketing, Philadelphia Foundation


  • Christine Robinson, President, Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia