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Small Founders Roundtable Meeting

Wednesday, January 6, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
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Video Conference
Dial-in information will be made available within 24 hours of the meeting
Network Members: 

Let's start off 2021 with an informal discussion and sharing on what your grantmaking will look like in the year ahead. While we are rounding the corner on the health aspects of the pandemic (yay, vaccines!), many of our non-profit partners are still living in response mode and thinking about the implications on their fundraising in the year ahead. How are you thinking about these implications? Are you contemplating changes to your grant application? Changes about your funding strategy? We want to hear what is on your mind, what you are thinking and what actions you might be taking. Please attend ready to share and learn!

This meeting is open to all Philanthropy Network members.