Bucks County Foundation Grants Boost Area Nonprofits
The Bucks County Foundation (BCF) and its Board of Directors awarded more than $157,000 in grants to Bucks County area nonprofits in 2024.
The Bucks County Foundation (BCF) and its Board of Directors awarded more than $157,000 in grants to Bucks County area nonprofits in 2024.
Leadership of the foundation is undergoing a generational shift.
Philadelphia, PA — Impact100 Philadelphia has announced the award of $284,750 in unrestricted funds to five nonprofit organizations in the region. Representing the collective giving of 302 women members, funds are being awarded to five nonprofit organizations.
The Foundation shares a high-level preview of their five funding programs and a new approach that’s designed to make the grant application process simpler and more transparent.
Funding aims to reduce health disparities for patient and families living in West Philadelphia, extending CHOP’s overall community impact.
Grants were divided among five program areas: Healthy Behaviors-Schools, Healthy Behaviors-Parks, Healthy Behaviors-Networks, Physical and Emotional Health, and Strengthening Nonprofits.
Stuart A. Clarke will oversee a $30 million annual grant portfolio as William Penn Foundation's new Program Director of Watershed Protection.
The Templeton Prize Team announced that Dr. Jane Goodall, legendary scientist, conservationist, and activist, is the winner of the 2021 Templeton Prize.
Impact100 Philadelphia announced the eight organizations selected as Finalists to receive a total of $420,000 in funding in 2021.
Nine projects will use Knight support to foster resident engagement and equity in Philadelphia neighborhoods.