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Keystone Policy Webinar Series - Session 2: Health Policy Advocacy

Thursday, February 23, 2017
2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
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The Keystone Policy Series of conference calls/ webinars has been developed by Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania  and Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia to inform all Pennsylvania funders about how their colleagues are working on selected statewide policy issues.

Funding organizations across the state will:

  • Learn background information about a community issue from a statewide perspective
  • Hear about work undertaken by Pennsylvania funding colleagues to address a policy challenge
  • Learn about potential solutions in Pennsylvania and potential roles for philanthropy
  • Build/ strengthen working relationships with other funders across the state

Join us for the second session:
Health Policy Advocacy
February 23, 2017- 2:00-3:00 PM 

The Pennsylvania Health Funders Collaborative (PHFC), an active statewide funders’ network, is now in its tenth year and going strong. PHFC strives to improve the effectiveness of health funders' initiatives by promoting collaboration, sharing best practices, and creating a unified voice among funders who are working in communities across Pennsylvania. Among its priorities have been integration of behavioral and physical health; healthy eating and active living; and improving Pennsylvania’s system of managed long-term services and supports for seniors and people with disabilities.

Join us as Ann Torregrossa, Executive Director of PHFC, provides an update on PHFC’s priorities and initiatives for 2017. She will describe where Pennsylvania health funders are putting their attention in light of today’s policy environment, such as changes to the Affordable Care Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid. As the former director of Governor Rendell’s Office of Healthcare Reform, Ann brings deep content knowledge to the work of PHFC; her knowledge and insights will be especially valuable to funders who are generalists, but wish to make more impactful grants to promote health in their communities. 

Additionally, Ann Marie Healy, Executive Director of First Hospital Foundation, will join us to describe the foundation's recent strategic planning process. She and her board arrived at a new focus that puts policy advocacy at the forefront of the foundation’s work.

Please click here to register. Please note you will need to create a profile on the GWPA website to complete online registration. If you have any questions or concerns, please email