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Personal Fights for Equity & Diversity

Monday, December 4, 2017
4:00pm - 6:00pm EST
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Philadelphia, PA
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia 230 S. Broad Street Suite 402 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

Please join EPIP Philly for a conversation on how we can work through adversity to continue to incorporate our values of equity and diversity into our work. We will consider not only how we can do this through grantmaking and programming, but also on the organizational level at our places of work.

During the first hour, emerging leaders in the field will share ways in which they have put their values of equity and inclusion into action at their places of work. Panelists will include:

Phil Fitzgerald
Director of Grantmaking, The Philadelphia Foundation
Peter Van Do
Director, Pan-Asian Community House, University of Pennsylvania
Tri-Chair, Asian Mosaic Fund Giving Circle

With more to be announced!

There will be time for discussion with panelists, as well as time for personal reflection and planning. In the second hour, participants are invited to stay for a holiday celebration and refreshments downstairs at the Blue Duck on Broad.  Please register HERE. This free event is open to non-EPIP members and is presented in partnership with Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia. Please contact with any questions.