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NCFP Webinar: Valuing the Family in Family Philanthropy

Thursday, January 11, 2018
12:00pm - 1:30pm EST
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Giving families can wear many hats. At times, families may feel like they are losing the family identity in their giving. How does one keep the family in family philanthropy? What are steps can families take to make sure they are serving the public good while maintaining the family value & legacy?

Join NCFP’s president, Ginny Esposito, as she interviews family members from multiple generations to gain insights on how your family can consider keeping the family in family giving.

Featured speaker: Virginia Esposito

Virginia M. Esposito, is the founder and president of the National Center for Family Philanthropy.  For more than 35 years, she has worked to advance private philanthropy through research and education. For 30 of those years, she has focused on the family philanthropic experience, promoting values, vision, and excellence across generations of donor families. Ginny was editor and principal author of the first edition of Splendid Legacy and Splendid Legacy 2: Creating and Re-creating Your Family Foundation. Her research publications include The Power to Produce Wonders: The Value of Family in Philanthropy and The Family Foundation CEO: Crafting Consensus out of Complexity. Ginny also edited, and was principal author of the four-volume Family Foundation Library and numerous articles and issue papers on family philanthropy. She has presented at hundreds of programs for and about donor families throughout North America and on four other continents. In addition to her work on family philanthropy, Ginny edited Conscience and Community: The Legacy of Paul Ylvisaker, the writings and speeches of the late foundation trustee, educator, and dean of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. She has served on boards and committees for organizations including Great Nonprofits, the Binational Commission on the Nonprofit Sector (US and South Africa), the Commission on the Future of Public Education (Public Education Network), Committee on Ethics and Accountability (Independent Sector), the Philanthropy and the Black Church Project, and Strengthening Native American Philanthropy. She currently serves on the board of directors of the John M. Belk Endowment.


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Philanthropy Network's Family Foundation Members are encouraged to register for this session. Your FP Online username and password is required to register for this event. Contact Theresa Jackson if you need assistance.


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