Our network encompasses nearly 120 organizations located in Greater Philadelphia and beyond, representing a large segment of the region’s philanthropic assets. Members range in size, scope, and structure from small family foundations and company giving programs to social impact investors and giving circles. Together we act as a powerful force for progress in Greater Philadelphia, investing more than $500 million annually in the region.
A League of Their Own: 20-Year Members
Casey Cook (left) accepts the 20-year League of Their Own certificate on behalf of Bread & Roses Community Fund (2018). Presenting the certificate is then Board chair Jennifer Pedroni, BDO-FMA. |
Each year at our Annual Members’ Meeting, we recognize organizations that have reached the 20-year membership mark. To date, we have inducted nearly 50 members into this special cohort, which we have dubbed A League of Their Own. This select group exemplifies the incredible variety of philanthropic entities that comprise our association. Their longevity in the Network underscores their enduring commitment to advancing the greater good in our region, as well as the value they place on coming together to grow the impact of their giving.
Joining our 20-year cohort in 2021 were: Dexter F. & Dorothy H. Baker Foundation, Chubb Charitable Foundation, Genuardi Family Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
League Members through 2021
Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. |
Edna G. Kynett Memorial |