Atlanta-based First Step Staffing Expands into Philadelphia
ATLANTA (January 10, 2018) — First Step Staffing, a nonprofit social enterprise based in
ATLANTA (January 10, 2018) — First Step Staffing, a nonprofit social enterprise based in
Local funders are partnering with the New York-based Edna McConnell Clark Foundation on the RISE (Readiness, Implementation, Sustainability for Effectiveness) Partnership, a two-year effort to invest $3 million to build the capacity of Philadelphia-area nonprofits to evaluate their impact.
As part of Philanthropy Network's Mission-Aligned Investing Cohort, philanthropic leaders are learning together how to align their assets with their mission and invest in the community using a racial equity lens.
Vision Philadelphia releases its latest paper on capital access and economic development in Philadelphia.
The three-year initiative has infused nearly $10 million of new funding into Greater Philadelphia’s cultural community, supporting Black, Latino, Asian, and Indigenous arts organizations and community-based artists.