Leadership Transition at the Philadelphia Cultural Fund
The board of the Philadelphia Cultural Fund announces that its Executive Director, Barbara Silzle, will step down from her position on July 15, 2022.
The board of the Philadelphia Cultural Fund announces that its Executive Director, Barbara Silzle, will step down from her position on July 15, 2022.
In a continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Greater Philadelphia’s music organizations and their efforts, The Presser Foundation announces new Capital Support grants totaling $687,800 in single year and multi-year grants to 26 music organizations.
Join your peers to reflect on our February conversation about centering racial equity in grantee relationships, language, and processes, and a discussion of the proposed City budget and it's implications for arts & culture.
Grants will help organizations extend their arts programs to new, diverse audiences.
The Philadelphia Cultural Fund Board announces that it has engaged Caralyn Spector to serve as its Interim Executive Director, effective July 18, 2022 following the announced departure of current Executive Director Barbara Silzle, who will step down from her position on July 15.
The grants provide much needed general operating funds to small and mid-sized arts organizations at a time when the pandemic has caused significant disruption and financial devastation to the arts sector for over the last two years.
OACCE announced 934 of Philadelphia’s individual artists, small and mid-size nonprofit arts organizations, and small creative enterprises will receive funding.
IPMF announced $8.9 million in grants for community-centered, BIPOC-led media organizations and projects in the Philadelphia region community that support media-making, narrative shift around violence and community safety, filmmaking, digital equity and journalism.
Beginning Oct. 3, 2022, Frisby-Greenwood will lead Pew's work across the region to advance critical public policy solutions, support local social services organizations, and foster a vibrant civic and cultural life.
42 new grants will fund local performances, exhibitions, events, and artistic practices that engage with issues of identity, representation, community, and history.