Independence Public Media Foundation Welcomes Seven New Board Members
The new board members bring a wide range of skills and expertise including media-making, strategic coalition-building, nonprofit governance, public relations, and philanthropy.
The new board members bring a wide range of skills and expertise including media-making, strategic coalition-building, nonprofit governance, public relations, and philanthropy.
IPMF announced $5.5 million in grant renewals for ongoing support to organizations and projects aligned with the Foundation’s program areas.
Press release via William Penn Foundation
IPMF announced $8.9 million in grants for community-centered, BIPOC-led media organizations and projects in the Philadelphia region community that support media-making, narrative shift around violence and community safety, filmmaking, digital equity and journalism.
A new report from the Urban Affairs Coalition reveals that Black-led nonprofits continue to struggle connecting with regional funders despite “racial reckoning.”
The Independence Public Media Foundation (IPMF) announces $2.6 million in its final round of grants for 2021, focused support for community-centered journalism, digital equity research and policy, community-led and operated radio stations, and filmmaking, with an emphasis on supporting artists from, and films about, underrepresented communities.
An additional $1.5 million in support for the fund also was announced, including contributions from William Penn Foundation ($1million), Wells Fargo ( $250,000), TD Bank ($100,000) and Philadelphia Health Partnership, Santander Bank and the Samuel S. Fels Fund ( $50,000 each).
When philanthropists are deciding what stories and organizations they strategically support, it's important for them to understand and consider the diversity of paths, perspectives and entry points into the world of news and media making.
As tens of millions of philanthropic dollars were being distributed for emergency COVID-19 response in this region, the William Penn and Lenfest Foundations funded Philanthropy Network and the Center for High Impact Philanthropy to gather and examine data about the relief grantmaking.
A new mural unveiled days before the 2020 election honors the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted many women the right to vote, and serves as an inspiration for the community to get out and vote.