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Community-led Philanthropy during Crisis: How Giving Circles of Color Can Transform Traditional Philanthropy

Thursday, June 11, 2020
10:15am - 11:30am EDT
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Traditional philanthropy has historically excluded Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) from decision-making processes that impact their own communities. In response to that exclusion, BIPOC-led/BIPOC-serving giving circles exist to co-create their own solutions for their communities – while also redefining who “belongs” and creating spaces for belonging.

The inclusion of community members in decision-making processes enable giving circles of color to quickly identify opportunities and effectively address the needs in their communities, especially during times of crisis. These decision-makers are community experts and are uniquely positioned to use their intimate knowledge of systemic inequities to inform their approaches to bridging the gap between good intentions and desired outcomes.

Please join us in learning from local leaders about how giving circles of color have responded to the current crises and how their giving circle models can intersect with traditional philanthropy. How does community-led philanthropy share power, shift power, and build power, and what does this mean for communities of color? How can we reevaluate or challenge traditional ways of thinking about and practicing philanthropy using the giving circle model? How can the community-centered lenses of BIPOC-led/BIPOC-serving giving circles inform, or transform, traditional grantmaking?

This panel discussion will be moderated by James Liou, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member of Philanthropy Network and Senior Director at Equal Measure. Panelists will include leaders from: